Year built: 1927 (last updated in the ’90s)
Team: Liz Marchant Ourston, interior designer; Paragon Construction, builder; Limonata Creative, styling
Timeline: Nine months (including Covid-related delays)
Mike Heenan and Charlie Kindermann originally planned to downsize. Instead, they fell for a Mount Pleasant rowhouse nearly twice as big as their old home and in need of remodeling. “The backyard is spectacular,” says Heenan, who’s in media. “We could recognize the potential.”
They vetted a half dozen contractors but found Paragon in the simplest of ways: They saw the firm’s sign at another job in their neighborhood. A colleague of Heenan’s introduced them to Liz Marchant Ourston, who designed the layout. An architect was minimally involved to handle structural drawings and permits. The couple say assembling their own team, rather than using a design/build firm, saved tens of thousands. “The difference [meant] we were able to add furniture,” says Kindermann, who works for a software company.

Last February, Heenan proposed to Kindermann in the middle of the construction site. They and their new dog moved in the next month. “It’s incredible,” says Heenan. “We pinch ourselves daily.”

This article appears in the October 2021 issue of Washingtonian.