This page describes the contents of an issue of Washingtonian magazine. Subscribers get exclusive early access through our print and digital editions. Most of our feature stories are later published online and linked below.
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Cover Story
100 Very Best Restaurants
Plus—9 restaurant openings we’re looking forward to and foodie trends to watch for in 2015.
By Todd Kliman, Ann Limpert, Anna Spiegel, and Cynthia Hacinli.
The Town Without Cell Phones
In Green Bank, West Virginia, federal rules forbid wi-fi networks, cell-phone towers, and anything else that could disrupt the government’s most advanced radio telescope. For years, it has been a sleepy place. But recently, Green Bank has turned into a magnet for technophobes who believe electronic signals are making them sick. The locals aren’t thrilled to have them. By Michael J. Gaynor.
Washingtonians of the Year
Nine local heroes whose good works and generous spirits make Washington a great place to live. By Leslie Milk.
The Battle for Meet the Press
An inside look at how David Gregory lost his job—and what it says about the state of TV news. By Luke Mullins.
Millennial Mourning
For members of a generation that’s putting off adulthood longer than ever, losing a parent can feel especially devastating. By Emily Kaiser.
Capital Comment
Outgoing Congress members don’t land only on K Street…Chevy Chase’s troubled waters…How Oscar Wilde invented modern celebrity in DC…Inside the home of Andy Warhol’s DC confidante.
Where & When
Performances, exhibits, and other events to check out this month.
Front Woman National Geographic’s first female editor retools for the future. Washington Read George Pelecanos takes a literary leap. Intelligence by Numbers Secretive US agencies are using the web to ask our collective opinion.The Washingtonian Guide to GOP DC Field notes for the incoming wave of Republicans.
Thrill of the Hunt You don’t have to spend a lot to look stylish if you know where to shop.Put on Your Game Face Ten favorite “designer” board games, including some by local inventors.Feeling the Burn The latest on treating chronic heartburn.Best of Adams Morgan The nightlife destination is more than just a frat party.
Deluxe Digs Some of last year’s top home sales. Winter Hunt Advantages to house-shopping in the colder months. Plus—where to buy in 2015. All That Glitters Go for low-key glamour with metallic decor. Pets A bichon frisé is the therapist of choice for adolescents battling eating disorders.
In Every Issue
First Person The fleeting connections of online dating at midlifeCrossword