This page describes the contents of an issue of Washingtonian magazine. Subscribers get exclusive early access through our print and digital editions. Most of our feature stories are later published online and linked below.
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Capital Comment Battles that could be more fun than Hillary vs. Condi . . . How DC's chick-lit novelists stack up . . . Are Brad and Angelina coming to town? . . . Lucky Roosevelt's local favorites . . . The trouble with Facebook . . . Yikes! Naked chefs!
Where & When Flamenco at Lisner . . . Cézanne at the NGA . . . Missa Latina premieres at KenCen . . . Dame Edna returns to the National . . . Don Juan at the Shakespeare . . . Local Grammy contenders . . . Alexandria celebrates George's birthday.
Following the Money A watchdog journalist looks at how special interests influence the city. Interview by Ken Adelman.
Lincoln and Lovers A presidential assassin on the run, love stories for Valentine's, and more. By William O'Sullivan.
About That Cherry Tree . . . George might not have told a lie–but what about Parson Weems? By Ernest B. Furgurson.
How the Law Became Big Business Washington law firms today resemble their corporate clients–and often bring in more money. With all the hours and all the pressure, are lawyers enjoying it a lot less? By John G. Kester.
Is Mark Warner the Next Bill Clinton? As he leaves the governor's office, he could be the Dems' best shot for 2008. By Garrett M. Graff.
The Building That Could Have Changed Washington There's a reason so many buildings here are stolid and dull. It didn't have to be. By Tyler Green.
Alexander and the Wonderful, Meaningful, Real Good, Very Nice Life His mother's books made him famous. Now Alex Viorst lives a real life. By Leslie Milk.
Two Hearts Beating as One Erin and Jade were born attached, with Erin's heart inside her sister's chest. They survived separation, and their parents call them their miracles. By Cindy Rich.
If It Looks Like a Duck and Floats Like a Duck, It May Be a Million-Dollar Decoy Made to lure waterfowl within shotgun range, these old wooden ducks now lure collectors willing to pay big money for a bit of Americana. By William Thompson.
Meeting Dad's New Girlfriend What does she have that Mom doesn't? And why is Dad kissing her? By Brooke Lea Foster.
Breaking Out Artist Lou Stovall has found new acclaim in a style he spent a career trying to avoid. By Susan Baer.
Love Your Pet Everything you need to care for your dog or cat: top vets, pet sitters, kennels, and more. Plus–adopting a pet, how much is a pet worth, and what's cool in fish, birds, and reptiles.
A Kitchen Love Story Scenes from a marriage: At Cathal and Meshelle Armstrong's Restaurant Eve in Old Town Alexandria, there's a lot of compromise, a little nagging, and endless reserves of TLC. By Sarah Godfrey.
10 Romantic Restaurants Where to eat romantically if you're young and on a budget, married with children, romancing a secret lover, trying to reignite the spark, proposing, and more. By Cynthia Hacinli and Ann Limpert.
Fool's Gold Expensive white Burgundies are turning up oxidized. An inquiry into the mystery. By Don Rockwell.
Inn Country Chef Frank Maragos left the Inn at Little Washington to open Foti's in Culpeper, but he hasn't forgotten his master's greatest lesson. Plus reviews of Oya and Fahrenheit in DC, Ceviche in Silver Spring.
Best Bites Tall boots, big fire, and good meat in Penn Quarter . . . David Craig in Bethesda . . . Where's the Kobe? . . . A different kind of sushi at Kotobuki . . . Black Salt's fish stew on a budget . . . Wines for spicy dishes.
Great Finds GPS collars, stylish beds, and other nifty pet products. By Julie Lawson and Cathy Alter.
Bonjour, Muddah Learning a language is a great way to spend a summer, here or overseas. By Rebecca Dreilinger.
Benefits Pink skirts in bloom and other good times for good causes. By Maggie Wimsatt.
Luxury Homes Ambassador John Danilovich buys Georgetown villa for $3.2 million. By Mary Clare Fleury.
Weekends Away A second home can be a cottage in the mountains or a high-tech waterfront home. By Chris Wilson.
Crossword This one's for U. By Matt Gaffney.
Violin Whisperer John Lemoine makes old strings sing. By Nina Mitchell.
It's the Color! Don't ask me about antilock brakes, seat controls, or power anything. By Carol Butler.