
The Reluctant Groomzilla: Our Travel Counselor . . . Er, Agent

Meet Josh, Bridal Party’s very own guest-blogging groomzilla. He’s giving us the groom’s perspective on wedding planning and everything that comes with it, so check back every Wednesday to see what’s new.

I’m sure you have all heard the old adage that life isn’t about the number of breaths you take, but rather the number of moments that take your breath away. Well, here is another pearl of wisdom, courtesy of your buddy The Reluctant Groomzilla: The couple that travels together, unravels together.

Okay, I’m exaggerating. But there’s no doubt that after what color the tablecloths should be, the most difficult decision to make about your wedding is where to go on your honeymoon.

You see, folks, the honeymoon is a vacation like no other. The biggest challenge is finding a place you both agree on. This may be more difficult than it sounds, especially if one of you wants to spend two weeks building irrigation systems in impoverished regions of Africa. (This was not the case for us, but I am sure it has happened to someone.) Other cultures, you see, put a premium on vacations. The French take four weeks every summer, for goodness sake! But here in the good ol’ US of A, our Puritan forefathers imbued us with a strong work ethic. So when we search for a mate, we tend to look for someone who has compatible career goals and work ethic, but we don’t think about what I call “vacation compatibility.” Obviously, this can wreak havoc.

Traditionally, from what I understand, planning the honeymoon is the role of the groom. Realistically, from what has been beaten through my thick skull, that wasn’t going to happen. My fiancée was smart enough to realize that if I were the only one involved in the honeymoon planning we would be spending it at a scuba resort in a remote corner of the South Pacific, probably sleeping in hammocks on the beach so I could be close to the dive sites and eating freshly prepared “local delicacies” every day. So the first thing we did was see a counselor—or, as he prefers to be called, a travel agent.

I have never been a fan of travel agents, but I have to say he was excellent. He listened to what we both wanted to do, and then, after asking why we ever got engaged in the first place, came up with the perfect compromise . . . separate honeymoons!

No, just kidding. Actually he suggested a number of great places where we can each get everything we want out of the vacation and still spend time together. I won’t say where exactly we are going, but it is in the South Pacific—and I may even get to sneak in a dive or two while the wife is getting a massage.


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