At some point between Teddy Roosevelt looping through Rock Creek Park for his evening jogs and Ivanka Trump footing it through Kalorama, Secret Service in tow, Washington became obsessed with running. Who are the area’s most elite runners? Where can you run in the middle of the workday? And what if all you want to do is run for beer? We’ve got all that and more in The Runner’s Guide to Washington.
These articles appeared in the June 2018 issue of Washingtonian.
Know your DC running trivia? In 1994, Oprah finished the Marine Corps Marathon—which she had vowed to run before turning 40.
Because where else can you booze in the name of fitness?
"In the never-ending dreariness of what Washington feels like, it’s become an escape," says Meet the Press host Chuck Todd.
Meet three of these super-human local runners like Susanna Sullivan, Washington's fastest female in the marathon—and the mile.
Gene Demby, the 37-year-old cohost of NPR’s Code Switch, runs on the Mall regularly.
Our area has a race for every pace.
After her first marathon, Suzanne Malveaux saw the worst celebrity finishes—but she hasn't let that stop her.
Plus four great runs you can do on your lunch break.